전 지점 피부과 전문의 진료
울쎄라피 프라임 신규 도입


순수한 국소마취 지방흡입을 이용한 유방 축소술

2005년 대한피부과학회 춘계학술대회 치료 심포지엄 발표 내용입니다.

4.순수한 국소마취 지방흡입을 이용한 유방 축소술
(Breast Reduction by Pure Tumescent Liposuction)
박석범, 이정엽, 박상진, 정성태, 장경애
Leaders Clinic

Patients with macromastia or breast hypertrophy have physical symptoms, including head, neck, back, shoulder, and breast pain, intertrigo, and restricted exercise. In addition to the physical symptoms, they have psychological distress and aesthetic problems.
Breast reduction is a widely accepted procedure that is normally performed by excision under general anesthesia. Scarring, loss of nipple sensation and breastfeeding problems are consequences of the procedure.
Breast reduction can be performed by tumescent liposuction totally under local anesthesia in outpatient conditions.
As a consequence downtime is minimal, and the risk of complications is minimalized. There is no or minimal scarring, no loss of nipple sensation and breastfeeding capacity stays intact.
Liposuction breast reduction affords a rapid procedure with minimal complications and easy recovery and can provide a useful alternative to traditional breast reduction surgery in many patients.
Careful selection of patients is necessary, pre-and postoperative mammograms are indicated.
We report three cases of breast hypertrophy treated by tumescent liposuction without any sedation. We hope that this report may help Korean dermatologists expand the field of dermatologic surgery in Korean society.